23 Apr, 2024

Chris Hemsworth denies retiring and calls sabbatical allegations “overly dramatic.” 2023

Chris Hemsworth, a well-known actor best known for his role as Thor in the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, was previously in the news due to retirement rumors. The actor’s inherited susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease led to the assumption that he would shortly retire from acting. According to reports, Chris Hemsworth discovered the opportunities […]

2 mins read

Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian are expecting their first child together 2023

Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian are expecting! Kourtney broke the news at a Blink-182 concert in Los Angeles on Friday night. The 44-year-old reality personality displayed “Travis I’m Pregnant.” Kourtney waves the sign in a joint Instagram video. Travis, 47, kisses her after jumping off stage to shouts. After becoming neighbors, they started dating in […]

2 mins read

Avatar 3 delayed! Behind-the-scenes image and narrative 2023

Avatar 3’s behind-the-scenes revelations and new picture are exciting. However, the film’s release date has been delayed. Avatar 3 will debut in December 2025 instead of next year. Thus, sequels will be deferred. Despite the delay, producer Jon Landau is keeping the enthusiasm alive by tweeting a stunning Avatar 3 behind-the-scenes shot. This preview shows […]

4 mins read