Scores big custody war win with Jason Sudeikis 2023
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Scores big custody war win with Jason Sudeikis 2023

Olivia Wilde has scored a major victory in her custody and child support dispute with Jason Sudeikis, as TMZ has learned that a court has denied his plea to shift the case to New York.

Jason fought Olivia in an effort to remove the child custody case from the California court… Typically, New York is less liberal with child support than California, but on Thursday, New York judge Adele Alexis Harris issued her ruling… “the Court believes that it is in the best interest of the child to award substantial child support.”

Olivia is making a bold, yet expensive, decision. Olivia filed court documents on Thursday, which were acquired by the DailyMail and corroborated by TMZ, in which her attorneys state, “Although Jason can afford to file after filing, Olivia cannot,” and “Jason should not be entitled to litigate Olivia into debt.” These documents were submitted prior to the New York judge remanding the matter to California, therefore the Friday hearing has been canceled.

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According to the documents, their conflict is still ongoing. In their documents, Olivia’s attorneys stated, “We were set to begin meeting with a family therapist in California in mid-January. I believed things were settling down and moving ahead in a more pleasant and courteous manner.”

Her attorneys went on … “Instead, I discovered on January 10, 2023, that while I was negotiating the parenting time plan in California, [Jason] was preparing to move through with the New York Child Support case behind my back.”

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As you are aware, the situation heated up in April after Jason’s team served Olivia onstage at CinemaCon and a process server smacked her with court documents stating that Jason was attempting to shift the custody case to New York.

Moving the matter to California seemed to motivate Jason to settle with Olivia.

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