27 Apr, 2024

7 Benefits of AI Medical Scribe for Healthcare

The AI Medical Scribe App was developed with medical professionals in the healthcare industry in mind, to reduce the burden of data entry and documentation that poses significant challenges. Time-consuming and distracting from patient care is the manual process of keeping track of patient visits and Electronic Health Records (EHR). According to one of the […]

5 mins read

What Distinguishes Telekinesis from Psychokinesis?

Are psychic powers the next development in human evolution? According to brain studies, this is not likely to happen. Read More: Oren Zarif It’s not all terrible news, either. Human telekinetic talents, which are unexpectedly distinct from their near cousins, psychokinetic powers, might be made possible by emerging technology. Here’s an examination of the differences […]

5 mins read

Cancer: What is it?

Cancer is a broad category of illnesses that all have the characteristic of developing from normal cells into malignant cells that proliferate and spread. Read More: Oren Zarif In the United States, cancer is the second most prevalent cause of death. However, compared to 20 years ago, fewer individuals are dying from cancer. Cancer is […]

5 mins read