Jessica White discusses her sadness over Nick Cannon 2023
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Jessica White discusses her sadness over Nick Cannon 2023

Jessica White reflected on her separation with Nick Cannon almost three years later.

After unable to reach the TV presenter, the model posted a statement on Instagram, according to Entertainment Tonight.

“I know you’re upset about the show but after eight years I can’t stand when things catch you off guard,” White said in her lengthy message, “and I feel like you deserve way more respect as a man even though I may be more respectful than you ever gave me with public announcements.”

“I wanted it to work, prayed every day that you’d see me and love me the way that I loved you,” she added, giving Cannon “eight ride or die years.”

“Maybe you did but just kept it from me during the relationship,” the model, who started dating Cannon in 2015, said. “I left with more questions than anything, I still don’t know why current things had to happen.”

“I’m so happy I can say that now and still know how awesome I am,” she told the “world.”

Jessica White discusses her sadness over Nick Cannon 2023 3

Jessica White discusses her tragic breakup from Nick Cannon.

“I’m proud I can say the truth and how I’m healthy emotionally and wouldn’t change my insane insecurities that I prayed off my life,” she added, adding that she had them before marrying Cannon.

White divorced Cannon after a 2020 miscarriage, mainly due to his declaration that he was having a child with Brittany Bell.

“I never felt love that was safe even as a kid so no Nick you didn’t cause that pain I had it long before us but I put it off on you unfairly without seeing that my healing needed to be deeper past us,” she said. “I mean you added to it but my fear of not being loved wasn’t broken by you I’d like to publicly say that.”

She stated Cannon “always put the other women on a pedestal,” making her “beyond unstable.”

She said, “because I’m going to move on from public shame [that] has been over my life since I was at the top of my game in fashion.”

“I know the truth about just how much healing I needed and God has taken my hurt I’m not ashamed by being beautiful and successful and not being loved with care throughout my life because there’s big big love coming to me that will fill up my memories with joy,” she added.

God will glorify my shattered past, not shame or misery. NC and I were lovely damaged children who didn’t know how to love one other. We damage each other.”

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